Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Mother's Sleep

Think you wouldn't be able to sleep through a crying, wriggling child lying right beside you? Think again. The hot weather we have been having in Britain has an interesting effect on me: it makes me sleep like a log. Cave Father rolls about all hot and sweaty while I am comatose on the other side of the bed. Between us, Cave Baby cries for boob; I sleep on. Her daddy does wake up, fortunately, and guides her mouth to my breast; I sleep on.

What about that, Deborah "breastfeeding women don't enter the fourth and deepest stage of sleep" Jackson? Not sure what this says about my close attached relationship with my daughter though!


cartside said...

Lol! I used to catch up on my sleep deprivation while nursing during daytime as dd used to take about an hour at each feed. Both of us comfy on nursing chair and pillow, drowsiness induced for both of us by nursing, and sleep came like a cosy blanket, bliss. And she never ever got anywhere near to sliding off.

allgrownup said...

Ha ha. When my little man finally started sleeping through at 15 m, my brain is now no longer programmed to wake up before about I just sleep through! Hubby takes the brunt of any pre-dawn wakings...ooops. My mother-in-law always said: it's not them that start sleeping through, love, it's you.

Unknown said...

You nursed asleep!???? lmao! Brilliant. And envious too, after waking 6 times last night, argh

Cave Mother said...

Nursing while lying down is great. I literally wake for 30 seconds per feeding, so I miss out on very little sleep. And now that my baby is getting more mobile, she even helps herself sometimes. I do not envy you Mon, it sounds like Wildflower is a tough assignment.